● Mental Health of Teachers and Students
● Teacher Shortages and support Personnel Shortages
● Budget issues and the district’s operating expense
● Approving curriculum materials. This may include addressing censorship and banned books.
● Student behavior problems, such as apathy, disrespect and absenteeism
● Safety measures, including student expulsion practices and the presence of local
law enforcement officers
Candidate Statement
Education is always an important concern for voters. As an Educator, it is very important
that we continue to educate, serve and empower our students. Public schools face
many daunting issues from teacher burnout, mental health issues of teachers and
students and teacher shortages just to name a few. Identifying those issues is only half
the battle. Educators, parents and school boards must work together to find solutions –
to improve education for students and the entire school system.
Some of these challenges can be solved by changing the way you approach school
board meetings or by doing more research on the issues that come up. Regardless, it’s
important to keep an open mind when dealing with difficulties, because it will help your
school board grow in success.
Everyone deserves better.